Friday, February 15, 2008

Salesperson Cannot Represent Competing Purchasers

An agent in my office, Mary Ann, shared with me an interesting article from Buyer's Rep, a publication from the Buyer's Agent council. The article is a summary of a recent Montana lawsuit in which a real estate agent submitted offers from two separate buyers on the same property. The question in the suit involves whether it is possible to represent fairly two parties competing for the same property and fullfill all the duties expected of the agent and promote the interests of the client. The plaintiff who failed to obtain the property alleged that this was impossible and that he had been misrepresented and harmed. The real estate office and association argued that real estate agents are trained to handle dual agency and are allowed to represent buyers and sellers at the same time. Also, as long as the agent did not act in an adverse manner to the client's interest, representing multiple clients fairly and competently, who are bidding on the same property, was certainly possible. How do you believe the court ruled? I am eager to hear your opinion about this case or on any other real estate related question. Click the comments link below or send e-mail. Lee, Area Properties

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